Home Icon Lay Appointments Committee

The Lay Appointments Committee is responsible to provide Council with recommendations on the appointment of various community members to local boards, committees and commissions.  View the Lay Appointments Committee Terms of Reference to learn more about the purpose and duties of the Committee.


Board Information

Meetings are called when needed to replace vacant positions on any given board, committee or commission in order to keep the compliment of its membership.

The Committee is comprised of five Members of Council appointed by the Mayor.

Manon L. Levesque, City Clerk
Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Carr, Councillor Denis Council Representative 14 Sep 2021 14 Nov 2022 Expired By-law 2021-096
MacDonald, Councillor Elaine Council Representative 28 Jan 2019 14 Nov 2022 Expired By-law 2019-009
McIntosh, Councillor Claude Council Representative 28 Jan 2019 14 Nov 2022 Expired By-law 2019-009
